A Thorn In my Side

She has no need for you now. If she ever had any.
Yet you still cling to her as she strides away,
your grip on the hems dragging you through the marsh,
until she reaches the water. She lifts you by your hair.
Awe and fear look the same on your face, she realises.
But even you know that love and hate look different on hers.
She casts you to the rocks and watches as you splutter
and scramble for purchase
and slip on pondweed and slime.

The sunset casts her in shadow
and she stands like a silhouette
and rocks slice into your skin
as the water reflects red
as even the sun cowers away from her.

She does not open her mouth and you understand not her words
but her concepts, her thoughts, her ideals, are all still perfectly clear.
And now you know you need to run, because the marsh grows eerie

my claws tear at your clothes and your skin as you run
and you stagger and stumble over my limbs and bodies
and even though you run fast, all my eyes can see she
exerts no effort to keep pace with you with simple strides
as your mortal body grows older and older with every pace
she stays how she looked when i met her, long before you did.

Even with the race of your heart and the fear sitting just beneath your skin
you cannot run forever. i watch with my many eyes as your pace slows
while she simply reaches closer. You drop to the ground in front her,
aged now, while her face is the same, still creased in disgust.
i am silent. In response, you beg more.

She offers you, a gift, and i accept.
i have many mouths to feed, as my limbs and leaves begin to take you,
sprouting shoots and buds through your eye sockets,
driving thorns from your gums,
and before my flowers bloom and blossom in your skull,
i whisper my thanks for such an enjoyable chase to the end,
and thank you for playing the game.




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